Distance from Jaipur to Khatu Shyam ji by car is approx 90 kms from Jaipur, and you can hire Jaipur to Khatu Shyam Taxi Package, We provide a taxi/cab on rent with an experienced driver, Taxi charges per km of Rs. 9 Starting from.
How to reach Khatu Shyamji from Jaipur by Road
Khatu village is located in the Sikar district of Rajasthan and is one of the best religious places to visit in Rajasthan if you are a devotee of Lord Krishna. Now, the distance between Khatu and Jaipur is around 85+ km which means you will reach in less than 2 hours. The safest and most comfortable way to travel from Jaipur to Khatu Shyam Ji Mandir is to hire a right taxi and enjoy the journey by road. You must hire a car/taxi/cab for Khatu Shyamji so that you will get an advantage of keeping the car at all times.
Outstation oneway Taxi from Jaipur to Khatu Shyam Ji
Most trusted taxi service in Jaipur. Our vehicle is the perfect fit for your trip and we only hire experienced and long route drivers. Hire a good taxi service from Jaipur Airport to Khatu Dham and we provide the most comfortable and efficient travel vehicle for you.
Story of Khatu Shyam
The distance between Jaipur to Khatu Shyamji by road is about 90 kms. Khatu Shyam ji is a famous temple of India, it is visited by thousands of devotees every day, it is located in Khatu village of Rajasthan. According to old sayings the temple was built by Roop Singh Chauhan in 1027 AD when his wife had a dream about the buried idol. The place from where the idol was excavated now wants to be known as Shyam Kund. There is also an open space in front of the entrance of the grand temple of Khatu Shyam ji called Shyam Garden and the Samadhi of Aloo Singh is located in Shyam Garden.
And some people believe that Khatu Shyam ji has a deep connection with 'Mahabharata'. According to a legend, Lord Krishna, impressed by the immense power and ability of everyone's favorite Khatu Shyam ji, gave him a boon to worship in his name in Kaliyuga.
Places to Visit Near Khatu Shyam Ji
To travel, all you need to do is book a cab from Jaipur to Khatu Shyam Ji. It can also be a good place to visit as there are other connected places in Rajasthan near Khatu where you can explore well. There are places worth visiting near Khatu including Devgarh, Danta Ramgarh, Harshnath Temple, Ganeswar is prominent. Along with this, you can also visit Salasar Balaji located in Salasar around this time. So you book a car from Jaipur to Khatu Shyamji which is in your best interest.
Some Popular Routes from Jaipur
Benefits of Hiring a Jaipur to Khatu Shyam Ji Taxi
If you want to travel to different places with Khatu Shyamji Darshan then hiring a cab from Jaipur to Khatu Shyamji will benefit you. So don't waste any more time and book taxi Jaipur to Khatu Shyam ji which meets your needs and conditions and will take you to Khatu Shyamji.